
Courses tagged with "Calves"

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"One of my big lessons in veterinary was I needed to spend more time knowing what the normal healthy signals of ruminants were. I spent far too long focused on disease and sickness. What do healthy animals look like and want?"

Watch Tommy The Vet in collaboration with Novatec discuss calf signals.

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Subclinical Mastitis is where we get inflammation (usually infections) in the udder which is not visible. This is measured using SCC (somatic cell counts). This is a measurement of somatic cells (mostly inflammatory cells) in the udder of the cow.

Watch Tommy The Vet in collaboration with Novatec discuss SCC.

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Number of topics: 0

Colostrum is the foundation of good animal health on our farms. Few aspects of husbandry and management will see as many benefits as optimising this precious resource in our animals.

Watch Tommy The Vet in collaboration with Novatec discuss colostrum.

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Cryptosporidium scours in calves is one disease over the last ten years that has been steadily increasing on farms. It can cause huge issues, farmer frustration and in some farms high mortality where colostrum management is below par.

Watch Tommy The Vet in collaboration with Novatec discuss getting to grips with cyptosporidium.

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Coccidiosis is a small protozoan parasite with many different species. There are only a couple of these species which affect lambs and calves.

Watch Tommy The Vet in collaboration with Novatec discuss controlling coccidiosis in calves and lambs.

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Oral rehydration is an essential tool in managing calves with diarrhoea and even for older animals like cows that may be sick.

Watch Tommy The Vet in collaboration with Novatec discuss oral hydration therapy.

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After scour, pneumonia is the big killer of young calves on farms. It is not just calves that can be affected by pneumonia but weanlings and even adult animals. The big problem with pneumonia is the performance loss associated with the disease.

Watch Tommy The Vet in collaboration with Novatec discuss pneumonia in calves

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Calf diarrhea or scour can be caused by a range of pathogens. Diarrhea can occur when the ability of the gut to absorb fluids becomes compromised. This can lead to rapid fluid loss. This is why quick rehydration is essential in scour treatments.

Watch Tommy The Vet in collaboration with Novatec discuss calf diarrhoea and scour.

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Number of topics: 4

Maximising calf health, introducing infectious scours and respiratory issues in calves. Outlining symptoms associated with these common issues, reviewing treatment and prevention. Reviewing calf key performance indicators on farm and how to achieve them and introducing MAXX Calf Health, it’s features and benefits and how it supports calf health on farm  

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Number of topics: 5

An introduction to the importance of minerals, vitamins and trace elements for ruminant animals. The course aims to outline the importance of these key elements for the health and production of ruminant animals. The essential minerals, vitamins and trace elements are considered individually as well as the effects of deficiency.

Additionally, the CPD course looks at undertaking a mineral audit on farm to ensure the correct mineral advice and products are recommended.

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Number of topics: 4

A detailed insight into colostrum management on cattle and sheep farms. Including a species specific summary of the Nettex Colostrum products and the benefits of using a Nettex Colostrum Supplement.

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Number of topics: 3

A three part course to educate on the causes and treatment of calf diarrhoea. 

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Number of topics: 4

This course describes colostrum in detail. It gives an overview on the importance of IgG, the passive transfer of IgG, other ingredients in colostrum, the importance of collection and storage of colostrum with reference to bacterial impact on colostrum and the calf.

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This course looks at the role of copper in ruminant diets, factors affecting copper availability and how to identify clinical and sub-clinical copper deficiency. It gives insight into what signs to be aware of and best ways to prevent and treat copper deficiency.

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Number of topics: 5

An introduction to the importance of minerals, vitamins and trace elements for ruminant animals. The course aims to outline the importance of these key elements for the health and production of ruminant animals. The essential minerals, vitamins and trace elements are considered individually as well as the effects of deficiency.

Additionally, the CPD course looks at undertaking a mineral audit on farm to ensure the correct mineral advice and products are recommended.

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